Exams Information
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Candidates studying Functional skills English and/or maths L1/L2, or professional/ occupational qualifications, for example hairdressing or AAT, exams are on-demand and scheduled as per tutor/assessor request.
Tutors/Assessors will inform candidates of dates and times. Candidates will receive a text reminder the day before the exam. Campus based Functional Skills L1/L2 candidates will receive a timetable via their student email account.
November retakes
English – 05/11/24 and 07/11/24
Maths – 06/11/24, 08/11/24 and 11/11/24
Summer Series
English – 23/05/25 and 06/06/25
Maths – 15/05/25, 04/06/25 and 11/06/25
Examinations take place between 12/05/25 to 20/06/25
(see section Examination timetables for specific dates)
Examinations take place between 08/01/25 to 20/01/25
(see section Examination timetables for specific dates)
Dates for Employer Set Projects vary but tend to take place from March 2025 to May 2025. Your tutor will inform you of the specific dates that relate to your occupational specialism.
Dates for Core Examinations take place between 3/6/25 and 19/6/25
Year 1 students – Unit 1 – 14/1/25 and 15/1/25
Year 2 students – Unit 3 – 10/12/24 and 11/12/24
Candidates will receive a timetable which will list all exams/assessments that they will be sitting.
You must check this and any errors or omissions should be reported to the exams office immediately by using the form below.
You are responsible for checking:
- Name is spelt correctly
- Address is correct
- Dates and times of all exams
The timetable includes examination details such as special arrangements, date, time, duration and seat number.
A text reminder will be sent the day before the exam.
Download timetables
Winter 24-25 vocational timetable – click here
Summer A-Level/AS Level /GCSE/T-Level timetable – click here
GCSE, AS and A-Level
11/06/25 Contingency afternoon session in the event of national or significant local disruption to examinations in the United Kingdom
25/06/25 Contingency day in the event of national or significant local disruption to examinations in the United Kingdom
- GCSE (November resits) – 9 January 2025
- January BTEC – 6 March 2025
- January Cambridge Technical – 19 March 2025
- January/February NCFE – various dates in Spring 2025
- A/AS levels – 14 August 2025
- Summer BTEC Level 3 – 14 August 2025
- GCSE – 21 August 2025
- Summer BTEC Level 2 – 21 August 2025
- Summer Cambridge Technical – 21 August 2025
- Summer NCFE – various dates in July and August 2025 – please speak to your tutor
Statement of results will be emailed to each candidate’s college email address and will be available on ProPortal.
On-demand exam results are available to view on ProPortal.
Please note that post-results services are not applicable for on-demand examinations.
Post results services give candidates the opportunity to request a copy of an exam script back (Access to Scripts) or to request a review of marking (Review of Results).
Candidates need to be aware that, if they decide to progress with a review of marking, there are three possible outcomes:
- The original mark is lowered, so the final grade may be lower than the original grade received.
- The original mark is confirmed as correct, and there is no change to the grade.
- The original mark is raised, so the final grade may be higher than the original grade received.
In order for college to request post results services, the relevant form must be completed and signed by the candidate. This is available from the exams office. A fee will be charged for this service which will be refunded if the overall grade changes.
GCSE certificates will be available from early April for the Autumn resit. Candidates who are still on roll will be contacted and asked to collect their certificate(s) from the exams office. For candidates who are no longer on roll, their certificate(s) will be posted to them. Candidates must ensure they have notified the college of their correct address.
Examination Regulations
The following regulatory notices from the JCQ can be viewed using the links below:
- Information for candidates - coursework (2024-25)
- Information for candidates - non examination assessments (2024-25)
- Information for candidates - on-screen tests (2024-25)
- Information for candidates - written exams (2024-25)
- Information for candidates - privacy notice
- Information for candidates - social media
It is important that you read and understand the regulations as any breach of these rules could result in you being disqualified from examinations.
The ‘warning to candidates’ and ‘unauthorised items ‘ poster will be displayed outside each examination venue.
At all times during the exams, please follow the instructions of the invigilator.
Attendance at Examinations
You are responsible for checking your own timetables and arriving at college on the correct day and time.
You should go straight to the examination room and then wait outside until the invigilator calls you in. Please be outside the room no more than 10 minutes before the start time.
If you are unable to attend an exam for a genuine reason, please contact the exams team using the form below or email exams@telfordcollege.ac.uk and provide appropriate evidence.
Please refer to the fees policy for non-attendance charges information – to view college policies click here
Food and Drink
Food is not permitted in the examination room unless there is a medical requirement.
Water is permitted in the examination room, but must it be in a clear bottle with the label removed (this includes transparent reusable bottles).
You should make sure that you have the correct equipment for the exam. The following equipment may be required as per the individual examination requirements:
- Black pen
- Pencil
- Ruler
- Eraser
- Protractor
- Compass
- Calculator
You are responsible for bringing all the equipment needed for each exam. Any pencil cases taken into the exam room must be see-through.