We sat down to speak with Elizabeth Jasper, a second year A level student studying history, maths and psychology.
Previously a student at Telford Park school, Elizabeth’s brother was a student at Telford College and gave a glowing review of his time here. She first visited the college on an open event, being impressed by the campus and the staff she spoke to.
“The subjects I originally wanted to do on open event I didn’t actually end up doing. I was really impressed by the chemistry lecturers and the law students I spoke to. In the end, I chose to do psychology, history, and maths as those are subjects that interest me.
“In psychology, we’re learning about schizophrenia and it’s so interesting to find out so much about it, how the brain works and people’s reactions. I also didn’t realise just how important the early years of our development effect how we make choices and form relationships in the future.
“Maths is a subject I feel I’ve done well at since primary school. I find different formulae and equations so fascinating, just how it gives us the ability to solve large sums and gain an understanding of how it worked. Ed is a fantastic and supportive teacher.
“History is my favourite subject; I want to study a history-based course at university. It was an obvious choice for me to take, I’m amazed by how much it expanded on my GCSEs.
“We’ve been studying the Spanish Civil War, the second Spanish Republic and the rule of General Franco, we’re about to start the Germany module next month and I can’t wait!”
Outside of college, Elizabeth is revising hard to ensure her future studies, as well as being a keen baker.
Ed Young-Lidard, Elizabeth’s maths lecturer, says “Elizabeth is a studious student; she works hard, does lots of revision and attends lots of extra sessions to be on top of her subjects.”
“She’s really polite and friendly, she helps out wherever she can in class, and is an absolute delight to teach.”
Elizabeth said she wants to study archaeology and anthropology in university, where she has accepted offers from the Universities of Central Lancashire, Southampton, Winchester and Wales Trinity Saint David.
She wants to be an Archaeologist in her future career, but she is also aiming to progress her studies with a PhD in archaeology and anthropology.
If you’re inspired by Elizabeth’s story and want to find out more about our A level provision, click here.