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CPD innovation ideas – Software

CPD innovation ideas – Software

Below is a list of all of your ideas that we have categorised as “Software”, this covers software and licences we have for staff to use in lessons or in their role.

  • Kahoot, Nearpod, Quizzes, extra services and extra licences required.
  • Safe isolation software.
  • Electrical design software.
  • Develop ‘Flipgrid’ to encourage students participation in sharing skills.
  • EAL software.
  • Scheduling software (AT – Diary reminders etc).
  • Proof reading software.
  • Access to learning platforms (eg Seneca, Kahoot, Blooket), currently only available if paid by staff.
  • Access to Turn it in, to check for plagiarism/AI.
  • Invest in learning/teaching websites, such as Wordwall, Inprint.
  • Software to make online worksheets, Cahoot – Premium, Twinki (for Esol), TES subscription, Menti subscription.
  • Access to more software, clear guidance on how to get it.
  • Digital skills academy for all students.
  • Computer reading and scribing software for exams. Will reduce staffing costs and learner will feel more independent/inclusive, potential to improve overall results.
  • Electronic examinations that use AI to integrate exam concessions.
  • More VR/AR support for Motor Vehicle.
  • Workshop in Engineering, Health and Safety, virtual walk about the workshop.
  • VR classrooms for marketing purposes.
  • Use VR Suite for customer service across hair, beauty and catering.
  • Video editing software for hair, beauty and catering.
  • VR Engineering, Mechanical Motor Vehicle, machine operating.
  • Virtual tour of Hollywood.
  • Selection of Early Years interactive resources in VR Suite.
  • Auto Scribe. As you talk it gives subtitles on the board. Good for visual rather than auditory learners (we talk a lot!)
  • SWIVEL – Classroom camera system that follows lecturer and activities in the lesson for those unable to be at college.
  • Remote access to be improved so staff can work from home.
  • Integrated systems – IT, HR, MIS and Finance.
  • AI for attendance reporting and management.
  • AI technology to transcribe meetings/minutes/lecturers. LD voice transcription.
  • Turn it in and AI checkers.
  • AI – Use of Teachermatic for teaching and learning.
  • Virtual baseroom.
  • Driving simulator for HGV/LGV, practice for tests and portable.
  • Simulator HGV, webinar DTS.
  • Lorry and FLT Simulator.
  • Apps that are interactive.
  • Digital assessment system for RARPA.
  • QR widget schedules for independence.
  • Online system to upload students photos that parents and carers can access, eg tapestry class dojo, something that covers further education.
  • More apps – Proloquo2go, Twinkle.
  • Prison/Escape room (Criminology).
  • French language lab with VR to immerse students into real conversations.
  • New website design and site map with customer (UX) journey in mind.
  • One uniform platform for all screens.
  • Remove telephones in offices and use Teams.
  • Multi-lingual signage throughout the college in many languages.
  • Provide a menu system that pops up on the user’s mobile eg find a room, asset location, first aid contact etc.
  • A MIS platform to turn data into intelligence to improve performance.
  • Combine Teams and Markbook for summative assessments.
  • Markbook in 6th form to have a late and non-submission option.
  • Prevent duplication of student comments (eg, Promonitor, Prosolution, CPOMs), can these be amalgamated?
  • Resource based AI, QR Code links to apps and resources.
  • Multi license for Dyslexia software (lucid lads).


Please feel free to comment on any of these ideas below.

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