Games Design – Level 3

On this two-year level 3 Games Design programme, you will develop technical skills relating to areas such as character design, level design, narrative and story writing, video editing, virtual and augmented reality, audio production, game engine language and coding, input devices and platforms. You will be using specialist software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Illustrator […]

Media Broadcast and Production – T-Level

Develop the relevant skills for a career in the media, broadcast and production sector such as film, TV or radio, teaming up with a local employer to produce engaging content for an ever-changing audience. Gain a broad understanding of the creative industry, become a maestro of planning and pre-production, and develop production and editing skills […]

Creative Media – Level 3

Media students filming in room with green screen

On this two-year course you will develop technical skills in graphic design, photography, filming and video editing and work with real-world clients to creative briefs and produce a portfolio to showcase your skills to universities and potential employers. Taught by experienced, skilled tutors and guest lecturers, you will gain a valuable, working insight into the […]

Creative Media – Level 2

Students filming with camera and mic boom

You will develop your technical skills in film production, video editing, animation, graphic design, and photography. Through working on exciting, practical projects, you will also develop your research, organisational and communication skills, as well as becoming an independent, creative professional. You will have access to our extensive collection of video and still cameras, as well […]

Media – A-Level

If you are interested in how the media works, how messages are communicated, and you like to work independently and use varied technology, then this is the course for you. You will look at nine different forms: TV, film, radio, magazines, advertising, internet and online media, music videos, newspapers, and video games. The flexibility of […]