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CPD innovation ideas – Infrastructure

CPD innovation ideas – Infrastructure

Below is a list of all of your ideas that we have categorised as “Infrastructure”, this covers the college buildings, room types and layouts.

  • Dedicated base room for teaching theory Catering with computers.
  • Improve Wi-Fi connections in all areas.
  • Improve Wi-Fi in Orange Tree.
  • Improve Wi-Fi in S Block.
  • Fan/Air con, high needs student, personal care difficulties in summer in very hot building.
  • Expand high needs areas, more demand = bigger building.
  • Accessibility to campus for wheelchair users, (drop kerbs/assistance).
  • Exercise psychology lab.
  • Lecture hall/production theatre for hire.
  • Move VR suite down to ground floor, more visible to showcase.
  • Bookable IT suites (30+ PCs).


Please feel free to comment on any of these ideas below.

One Response

  1. Building on the suggestion of a lecture hall, it would be good if there was a dedicated space/room that can is used only for Enrichment activity, whether that is for a cross college talk, student meeting or enrichment club.

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