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CPD innovation ideas – Training

CPD innovation ideas – Training

Below is a list of all of your ideas that we have categorised as “Training”, this covers training and support for systems or processes in the college.

  • Better use of existing software, eg Teams. Utilise all capabilities and give training.
  • Clearer IT guidance/on-boarding for new staff.
  • Digital champions, in each office/area, to share and update staff.
  • Training courses across college for digital technology, had it in my previous college, it worked really well.
  • IT Training, how to use in classroom new IT systems, some of us are not that IT techno.
  • Support to create catering training videos.
  • Training videos, easier access on phones/teams for students.
  • Training on new technology.
  • Advertising boards near railway line, slowing training, viewing time.
  • 1 universal way to share documents and project with training guidance and accessible to all staff.
  • Drone and 4K camera training.
  • External training required on use of SharePoint, staff need it.


Please feel free to comment on any of these ideas below.

One Response

  1. College may need to develop policy around AI

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